Rants & Raves,  Thoughts

Suck It Up, Ladies!

I keep seeing this commercial…and every time I see it, I get more creeped out. I think commercial is the wrong word; it’s really more of a public service announcement, urging women to keep their babies in their wombs until 39 weeks. It pleads, lists facts and urges the viewer to stay pregnant.

I feel like I’m dating myself here, but remember that one time when you used to stay pregnant until the baby wanted to come out? Remember when fate chose birthdays instead of parents? Remember when the word “schedule” and “birth” couldn’t coexist together?

Now there are plenty of legitimate reasons why women have to have scheduled inductions/C-Sections. Many of them are for medical purposes, out of protection for the baby and or mother. But this ad was not aiming it them– it was talking to ALL pregnant women.

The gist of it was, “Hey, I know you’re pregnant and uncomfortable but let’s keep that baby in until at least 39 weeks, ladies! It’s healthier that way.”

I am incredibly disturbed that the announcement even needs to be made.