Interesting People,  Thoughts

Shout Out

I had a really tough day yesterday. My one-year-old has been covered in a mystery rash, which is not only concerning but which has also caused him to be up all night and a terror all day. He looks like he has Leprosy.

I spent two hours in the doctor’s office yesterday, holding my youngest screaming for 25 minutes, while my three-year-old licked chairs and showed her nipples to various other people in the waiting room.

My husband had to work late, and there I was sitting with playdoh in my hair and with two super cute, but vivacious children, looking at the clock and contemplating a bad judgement call on the use of sedatives (don’t call CPS– I didn’t do it).

And my best friend texted me.

She is super busy, and stressed out herself, with a wedding looming in front of her and work coming out of the whazoo.

She has loads of student debts, because she’s amazing and is following her dreams.  She works so hard, helping children,  at a job that I would never be a big enough person to do. She doesn’t have a lot of money, and never spends it on anything lavish.

I told her I was exhausted. I laid on the floor and typed furiously about the cute things my daughter was saying, but expressed how I didn’t even have the energy to laugh.

And then I got an email. I heard it ding as my son was banging my phone on the ground. He drooled all over the front and wiped the spit into the grooves of my broken phone screen.

After distracting him by showing him how to drive his car on the screen door, I was able to check it.

Voices of angel sung and my living room grew brighter, as I clicked on the email.

“You have been sent a free massage”. With an accompanying text stating, “Sounds like you need it, and I know you won’t do it for yourself.”

I’m literally crying as I write this.

My best friend is someone who always finds the time to ask, “How are you?” She answers the phone at work and listens intently when I begin the call with, “Do you have a second to hear me bitch?”

The massage will be amazing. I’m so excited. But the thing that is making my keyboard wet with tears is the kindness of a friend. I am so, unbelievably lucky to have someone like you. It is a rare thing to find someone who is always 100% on my team, who takes the time even though they are terribly busy and tired themselves, to take care of someone else.IMG_8483

Today is a shout out to you, my friend. You are my rock, my savior– my unicorn.


  • Emi

    Awww. How sweet! That’s a good friend.

    My awesome friend came over one night and held baby T from 2am-6am so i could sleep. I was so touched. 🙂

    • Diary of a Mommy

      That IS a good friend! You find out who your friends are when you’re exhausted with young children, eh?