
How NOT to be stressed out at the Holidays

The holidays can be rough. Most of us are exasperated by traveling, buying gifts, and preparing lavish meals. It is easy to fall into over-extending ourselves and letting the joy of the day pass us by.

But I will not. I refuse to be held back by stress or perfection. This Thanksgiving will be a day filled with laughter. And food. And family.

And I am so thankful.

This time last year, I had just lost my father. I don’t remember much about Thanksgiving day except that at one point I was sobbing, sitting at the kids’ table. I don’t remember eating turkey or unbuttoning my jeans. I can’t recall if my kids had a good time or if we went around and said what we were thankful for.

But as time has stretched on, I am slowly piecing myself back together. And I insist on doing it in a way that is grateful. Today, and every day.

I get it– no one wants to give food poisoning to all of their guests or serve up a turkey that’s as dry as the heels on a Humbolt Hippie. But I am begging every one of you to take a moment and look around– at what you are preparing and why. Take just a second to appreciate that you are working so hard because you care so much about the people you are celebrating with.

This year, and every forward, we are down one person in our family. We have one less smiley face, one less senior citizen sneaking outside to smoke a joint. One less happy grandpa, sitting on the floor with his grandkids, enjoying their sweet company.

I know that my dad’s wish for me– and mine for all of you– would be to be grateful. Let the pies get messy and have your children help you out. Give away some of your holiday burden to your spouse or family member. Call your loved ones and remind them how excited you are to see them.

These moments together are fleeting, my friends. We must enjoy them all.