
The Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award!Liebster-Award

WAHOOO! Considering that I am slow as shit sometimes, it has taken me a while to get this together. My bad. But here it goes.

First and foremost THANK YOU to Nikki at Growing Up Mom, who nominated me. I really appreciate it. You are awesome and I love your blog.

Second, I want to say that this a really cool way for bloggers to help each other out and cross-promote other blogs that are worth a read. Because for anyone new to blogging, you often wonder, how am I supposed to get people to read this??

There are the rules:Liebster-Award-Rules

Nikki gave me these eleven questions to answer:

1) Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging as a way to keep my friends and family in the loop with my first pregnancy. The blog morphed; it was forgotten, tossed aside, and then picked back up again. It has turned into something really special to me.

2) What is your favorite food?

Potatoes. I freakin’ love potatoes. I love baked potatoes, French fries, mashed potatoes…basically anything involving potatoes.

3) What was your first job?

I worked at a Teen Clinic as a Peer Advocate. To this day, it was one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever had.

4) What are you having for dinner tonight?

I have no idea. Ask me half an hour before it’s time to eat.

5) Pick one word to describe your blog.


6) If you could go to any place in the world on a free vacation for a week, where would you go?

Easy-peasy. I would go to Bhutan—Bhutan is the happiest country on earth. Instead of measuring Gross National Product (GDP) like we do, Bhutan measures Gross National Happiness (GNH).

7) Who was your favorite teacher?

I have had three who stand apart: Mr. Prussac (Victor as we called him), Mr. Cartan & Professor Cox. Each gave me motivation, pushed me harder then I desired and made me think outside of the box.

8) Where do you see yourself in five years?

Honestly, I just want to continue to be happy. I want to keep pursuing the things that I love and be surrounding by the most amazing friends and family a girl could ask for.

9) Who would you say has been the most influential person in your life?

My husband (how cliché, right?). But seriously. I never thought I would get married…it just wasn’t something important to me. But I met the love of my life at 20. When I decided to go to college at 21, he walked me to my first class because I threatened to cut. He makes me laugh harder than anyone I know, and never says “No” to anything I suggest. Ever.

10) If you had to be any animal for the rest of your life , what would you pick?

I would be a Celebes Crested Macaque…because I am a classy lady.


11) What is your favorite color?


Ok, I’m almost done talking about myself. Here are eleven random facts about me:

1)I have only been to Vegas once.

2) I drink a lot of wine.

3) I drink a lot of coffee.

4) I love to read.

5) Every time I eat a hot dog I am torn between loving the taste of it and thinking about how many miscellaneous ground-up animal parts are in it.

6) I am allergic to weird foods like garlic and asparagus.

7) I wanted to name our son Huckleberry but got vetoed.

8) I almost have no eye-brows (they are a really light shade of boring).

9) I currently have to pee super bad but I am trying desperately to finish this list.

10) I don’t agree with almost anything on the reality show “Duck Dynasty” and yet I watch it obsessively. I LOVE YOU SI!

11) I have broken my wedding ring four times and lost the diamond once (because I am so clumsy that I bang my hands into things, shut them in doors etc).

Now, finally, let’s nominate some blogs! I nominate the following:

See Shell Go

Super Mom Aspirations and Tangerine Dreams

Adventures of Amy Lou

The Kenny Family

Mommy Martyr Cures

Collecting Moments

Mad Mama NYC

Mommy Artists

Janie Girl

Stretch Your Peso

Cut it, Kid

And finally, finally, my eleven questions for you nominees:

1) Pick one word to describe yourself.

2) If your blog had 1,000,000 followers, would your message change?

3) If you were one character from Seinfeld,  who would you be?

4) Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block or N’Sync?

5) Name one band/musician that you listen to, that are original and you think people should try.

6) Would you rather eat a pickle off the ground of YOUR house or your BEST FRIEND’S?

7) Can people really change?

8) What is your favorite greasy food?

9) What is the longest you’ve gone in-between showers?

10) How  often to you REALLY change your sheets?

11) What’s one thing you think most mothers can improve on?