
I Want to be a Tree

I don’t think about death a lot. It’s really not my style. But I saw the greatest thing today: instead of being buried in a cemetery and taking up space, you can become a tree.

“The top capsule of Bios Urn was built to facilitate the growth of the seed. Before burying the urn you have to mix the components with some soil from where you want to plant the urn. The components allow a proper seed germination.” (Read more here).

I love the idea that some day, instead of my loved ones visiting me in a field of headstones, they could visit a beautiful, living symbol of life. It’s sort of poetic, don’t you think? And we can plant orchards with families, instead of grave sites. I could be a peach tree, my husband could be an apple beside me. And every time someone would visit, instead of a cold cement slab, you could reach out and touch bark. Leaves. Flowers. Those grieving could be reminded of vibrancy, of fruition, of rebirth.

I guess maybe I should pick a tree that doesn’t yield fruit. There might be something semi-cannibalistic about it if my children eat my essence. I can hear them now, “You know you just ate mom, right?” At least then I could literally always be with them.

I’m not a creep. I swear.


  • Mom

    I don’t know – I kinda like the idea of my children, and grandchildren, enjoying a cool refreshing apple, or
    a juicy, succulent plum – of me ! SWEET!!!!